Photonics Days Berlin Brandenburg 2021

Photonics Days Berlin Brandenburg 2021

October 4 – 7 , 2021 // Berlin-Adlershof | WISTA-Germany

In October this year, OpTecBB invites to the international innovation conference for the fourth time.

Photonics Days Berlin Brandenburg 2021 | October 4 – 7, 2021.

The aim of the conference is to connect participants from different industries, regions and countries to jointly enable new ways of cooperation and knowledge transfer and to jointly create innovations. Over four days in numerous online or hybrid sessions with leading national and international experts, participants can expect to hear the latest findings in the fields of photonics, optics, microsystems technology and quantum technology.

With the PolyPhotonics Berlin technology platform, a new technology has been developed in the recent past that is superior to established solution approaches in many respects. With a sustainable corporate vision of the polymer-based platform, further developments are initiated to apply the advanced integration technology also to new fields of application, e.g. in environmental or medical technology. In particular, the exploration of new wavelengths between 400 nm – 1650 nm and the interplay of polymer and silicon nitride based optical waveguides will enable hybrid photonic integration platforms. In this session, we will provide an overview of current platform capabilities and highlight recent developments in the technology to enable new applications in photonic sensing for environmental and healthcare applications.

The PolyPhotonics e.V. workshop will take place on 05.10.2021 at 15:00-18:00.

Within the workshop the association PolyPhotonics Berlin , represented by Crispin Zawadzki and Arne Schleunitz, will present the newly won project PolyChrome Berlin and its 12 alliance partners as well as invited speakers. The project had recently won the RUBIN funding program of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in the amount of 2.9 million euros.

It is planned to hold the event in a hybrid format. You can expect two days in pure online format and two days with events in Berlin-Adlershof.

The program will be finalized by the end of June, but already now you can look forward to the following main topics:

Photonics for forestry and the wood industry | BioSensing with photonic integrated circuits | Quantum Technologies | PhotonHUB Europe | Photonic terahertz technology for beyond 5G wireless communication | Data center interconnects | German- Israeli nano photonics session in cooperation with NanoIL | Hyperspectral imaging | Optics for solar energy | PolyPhotonics Berlin | Laser Technology | Photonics for AgriFood applications | Sensor Al – a key for a new generation of sensor systems | Advanced UV technologies and applications | Microelectronics & Si-Photonics | Photonic integration as quantum enabling technology | Advances in optical metrology | Vision systems & IR detection for industry, security & defense | Photonics in Japan | Photonics in China | “Working in Photonics”.

More information about the program :


Registration is still possible until October 7 at the following link:


Workshop PolyPhotonics Berlin

Workshop PolyPhotonics Berlin

24.10.2019 // 09:30 – 17:00 Uhr

Fraunhofer HHI, Einsteinufer 37, 10587 Berlin

Die PolyPhotonics-Berlin Technologieplattform ist ein optischer Baukasten mit Halbleiter- und Polymermaterialien, mikro-optischen Elementen, Integrationstechnologien und automatisierter Montage. Mit profunden Fachwissen realisieren die Partner hybrid-optische Komponenten aus den Bereichen Telecom/Datacom, Analytik und Sensorik. Auf dem Workshop erwarten Sie Highlights des BMBF-geförderten Wachstumskerns PolyPhotonics Berlin. Weiterhin werden Beispiele aus zukünftigen Anwendungsfeldern wie Quantenkommunikation, THz-Analytik und automatisierte Montagetechnologie vorgestellt. Die Vorträge werden von einer Ausstellung mit Exponaten der Projektpartner begleitet, einer Labor-Besichtigung sowie einer Abend-veranstaltung mit Oktoberfestbuffet zur persönlichen Kontaktpflege und Netzwerkbildung. Hier geht es zum Flyer der Veranstaltung. Die Veranstaltung ist ausgebucht.
International Symposium

International Symposium

International Symposium

September 26, 2018 at ECOC 2018 in Rome

Hybrid photonic integration enables the development of high-performance components that are complex and cost-effective at the same time.

This symposium covers the complete process chain from materials via simulation and fabrication to the final assembly and showcases applications of hybrid PICs in communications and analytics.

Please Register here.
Click here for more information.